Kate B Internship

Learn Wedding Photography in Indiana

Gain Knowledge, Experience, and a Portfolio

I first dipped into photography in high school, and took it for 3 years. Then I went to the Art Institute of Indianapolis and got an associates degree in digital photography. I wish I had, had a wing of another wedding professional to get under because it would have saved me a ton of money and given me a ton of experience. You shouldn't have to go broke trying to get an education to make a living! That's why I am opening myself and my success secrets to those who are also passionate about photography and learning!

Indiana Photography Education
Wedding Intern Indiana
Wedding Photographer Indiana


Test us out for a one time tag along! For one wedding of our choosing you can come along and be our assist! You'll get to see in person how we run a wedding day from start to finish!



At the acceptance of the client, you get to tag along to any wedding, or session we have in a 3 month time period. You get 3 times the experience for your resume. 3 times the amount of education from us, and 3 times the portfolio that I will personally help you curate for the eye of your perspective client. 
