Genuine, Sweet, and Vibrant

Her laughter fills the air with peace. His smile shows the blessing she has given him. Her demeanor shows the comfort he supports her with. The two of them together grace the atmosphere with peace and fun. He pays such close attention to her when she's laughing and smiling. Like his capturing that moment in his mind. Holding onto the thing in this world he cherishes most. Her care free spirit gives him life, and fun. Going with the flow in life has brought her many places, but his arms are her favorite so far!

Abby and Dom are not only our friends, but one of our funnest couples this year! Being alongside anyone on their wedding day is an honor, but it's such a more meaningful way when friends also have you capture it as well. I can't wait to witness these two in their first steps as husband and wife!

We can't wait to dance and party the night away alongside some of the most real, and down to earth people we know!