Romantic, Warm, and Snuggly

Jalynn and Austin met by pure chance. Working in the same area, meeting through mutual coworkers. Little did they know their first date would be lunch in her car on break.

Fast forward a little while later and Austin pops the question out in the country on top of a hill surrounded by what now is their homestead. Next spring they will plant the cutest little cherry blossom tree on that very hill to mark the memory of that moment forever!

I've known Austin since 2nd grade, and from what I know of Austin, Jalynn is every bit of right for him. She's fun, happy, and beautiful! She fits right in with his outgoing and hilarious attitude! Meeting them, and photographing them was as fun as I had anticipated it to be! Up for anything, and so prepared we had a wonderful evening celebrating the two of them becoming one!

Jalynn did so well and put in such careful thought into their attire, and their details. Having clients that create with me make the world of difference when it comes to the finished product! I cannot wait to see what their wedding day will hold in store for us!