Easy going, bright, and fun

The cold morning sun touched their faces. They brought their noses together and the crisp air stung their cheeks. He swayed as she swooned. Hand in hand, eyes locked together, they skipped across the brick road. The warmth from their laughs floating in the air. Not a single care in the world. In these moments it was only her he saw. It was only him she wanted. Feeling so far yet so close to the big day.

Their engagement blessing them with the overwhelming feeling of joy.

He kissed her cheek as her contagious laughter filled the air. Looking at her, over joyed in this moment. With so much love ahead of them they brave the cold with warmth overflowing in their hearts. Two become one. Tanner and Megan spun, giggled, skipped and snuggled their way straight to the hearts of us all.

Bringing you this beautiful fall engagement collection. Setting the bar high for 2020 brides!

I cannot wait to be a part of their wedding this coming spring. I am sure they are to wow us all!