It's Rainen Sunshine

A smile, as bright as the sun. The laughter, contagious. Her dreams, reaching for the stars. Rainen doesn't let a moment pass by her without inspiration. Her love for wonder grows each day. Working with little minds, shaping them and nurturing them, she leads the world.

With God in her heart, leading her through life.

This future teacher, mother, and inspirer lives life to the fullest. Never missing an opportunity for adventure, or fun. She looks at the world through yellow shaded sun glasses. Seeing each and every detail as God's creation. She thrives on spreading the joy she feels in her heart. That very joy is what makes her the best her that she is.

Encouraging, spontaneous, beautiful inside and out.

Not a moment in her radical self love session did she not make us, Arie, her friend Krista, and I laugh. She was the star of the show, that was all about comedy, and joy! With each joke and funny picture we took, I was thrilled to see how good she made "goofy" look!

If you are looking for a girl like her to brighten your life, you can surely find her in the country. Probably sitting by a bonfire by the lake, with her favorite Starbucks drink in hand surrounded by friends and laughter!

This cute face will capture your heart, and color your life in bright yellow!

Self love is something we all have experienced at some point. When you by that outfit you love, or when you spoil yourself with some down time. Some maybe not as often as others, which needs to change! Self love can be so many things. It can be saying no to things you don't what to do but feel like you have too. It can be clearing a schedule to do nothing all day. Or making a list and getting things done.

Anything that makes you feel good.

These sessions are a moment of radical self love for the client, and myself. Because showing someone, like Sweet Rainen, just how beautifully and wonderfully made they are, feels priceless

Life is so short, I see no reason to not make sure you are having as much fun as you possibly can!.