Vibrant, Young, and Sweet
A long white gown swooped over the ground, carrying along sparkles and glitter. Hands placed carefully on one young woman who's life was about to change. Eight tearful maids prayed a sweet well wish, as this one bride was about to make her biggest wish come true.
In all seriousness Lexus is a gracious and stunning bride. You should know, that two days before their wedding date plans changed for this sweet couple. The rain was unforgivable, and their out door wedding stood no chance against this storm. This power couple and their families frantically, yet beautifully pulled off a venue change in just two short days!
When I walked in to First Baptist Church, I was pleasantly surprised. Decor was still getting set but the moody romance that they wanted to incorporate was successfully done. Twinkle lights hung and sparkled along the ceilings, and dripped from their alter. I first met with a grinning groom, Austin, excited to be there to marry his dream girl that day. Not to far away I could her giggles and laughter, I knew that would be exactly where I could find Lexus.
Wherever she goes, laughter and joy is sure to follow.
There ceremony piece is worth a mention! Together as they joined as one, they created a beautiful painted golden cross. To represent the joining of their spirits under God. This ceremony tradition was unlike any I have ever seen, and they thought of it all on their own! This creative, and inspiring couple touched the hearts of many!
The reception tailed with many toasts and stories of this sweet bride and groom. Surrounded by so many loved ones, Lexus and Austin demonstrated what a life of caring can do. So many of the ones they loved and cared about stood up to thank them and witness to them how they have touched their lives.
Lexus & Austin,
Thank you for showing me again how beautiful young love is. If I could have stood up with the several others at your reception I would have said the same thing the rang through every heart felt speech. I have only know you two for about a year. In that short time I have seen you two conquer every hurdle thrown at you, with grace and love. I've seen you two stay true to one another, and radiate happiness and laughter. As an artist, it is a privilege to be able to create with my clients, and with you guys I have been able to create what love looks like.
As someone who married young, please listen to this.
It's not like the movies. It's even better because this is something that only the two of you can create. Shape and mold each other into better people everyday. Challenge one another to stay strong. When you fight remember in the backs of your minds that its the two of you against the problem, not each other. Show each other how you love one another every day, from the littlest ways, to the biggest.
Thank you so much, for allowing me to witness your love, and create art with you.
love to you both,