Elegance, Grace, and Romance

With butterflies in her heart she walks forward. The heavy summer air holds her down. His back facing her, and his head down. With one hand his best man taps on his left shoulder for him to turn around. This moment felt like as if time froze. He turns around to her. Sparks light up his eyes, and make his heart skip a beat. He'd imagined what this day would be like. He never imagined it would feel so good.

She was dressed in white, a showered in sparkles. His smile seemed to light up not only his world, but the entire world. Walking slowly she smiled up at him as she walked down the aisle.

He smiled at her, for a moment in disbelief

Suddenly he was so excited for what all the planning and choices had brought him.

A serenade played while the two became one. Their eyes stayed glued on each other as if they were the only ones in the ceromny.

Just like that, they were Husband and Wife.

All night they floated on air so elegantly. Their reception gave warm and fun vibes. Colors of green, yellow and blue reflected off the guests as they enjoyed their warm cooked meal. Giggles could be heard, and smiles could be found everywhere she went.

Her happiness was contagious, and her grace was perceived by all.

Morgan & Kainnon ,

Your calmness, and pose made the evening fun for all involved. You made my job easy, whilst making it fun. Clients like you are why we do what we do. You both have shown with your love and devotedness what a blessing marriage can be. With that there is nothing you two can't handle as one.

My biggest thanks for including me in your beautiful day. Not only including me, but trusting me to capture it all.

I pray you both find warmth, happiness and joy for the years to come!

With love,
