Small, Lovable, Warm
They are back again! This time around there is a new little guy in the mix! I will say I missed seeing Oliver's wagging tail and wet nose- but Lucas' little tiny toes and fingers made up for that! The Taylor family grew in size this February by 8lbs, 8oz, and 21.5 inches!
This family of 3 humans and 2 fur kids now has an adorable little entertainer for life.
Lucas William Taylor has a bright future filled with love in front of him! A future filled with sports activities, ball games, and family gatherings! This pacers fanned family has turned into a Lucas sized ball of love colored in yellow and blue!
Kortni & Daniel,
Congratulations on becoming parents to little Lucas. We wish you happiness and healthy growth along the way. Raising a child is not for the faint of heart, it is for the strong and loving souls like you. With family at the center of your hearts you are sure to raise Lucas in a way every child should be.
With love, God, and each other guiding you along the way there isn't a doubt he will turn out a star!
Remember to hold one another tighter- and kiss each other often during this busy transition in life. You two will be the pillars in his life that show him how good the world can work!
With love from us both,
Kate & Arie