One Big Bump For Two Small Feet

Soft spoken, she says three words. I am so excited. His hand slowly reaches around her shoulder. You see her eyes sparkle, her face glows. I see two very excited parents-to-be. Dreaming of tiny ears, hearing tiny giggles. Kortni & Daniel are 6 weeks away from meeting their little man. In short 6 weeks he will be already teaching him all the reasons why the Pacers are the best. He will be teaching him all the reasons his parents love each other. She will be showing him what it feels like to be loved.

With gentle hugs

bouts of laughter

and tears of joy,

They will welcome little Lucas into a big bright world, in 6 short weeks!

It was a pleasure to capture this time in Kortni & Daniels life. Their first child will be welcomed by a crowd of loved ones that can't wait to meet him. Their family of four is about to become 5. Oliver is going to make a great big brother, protector, and friend. So much love is coming your way little Lucas!

Kort & Daniel,

Arie and I are so happy for you two. The American dream sits right in your hands (or belly!). A life full of adventure awaits you both. Through the hardship, and the joy we wish you two and little Lucas the best life has to offer! Thank you so much for picking us to capture it all <3

with much love,

Kate & Arie