Moody, Warm, and Romantic

I first met Hannah and Philip at another Kate b bride's wedding in 2017. Hannah was a bridesmaid! I couldn't help but notice the connection between Hannah and Philip as they swayed back in forth on the dance floor that evening. I noticed how eager she was just to be with him.

Of course I was quick to capture this moment and chat them up later.

Fast forward to 2018, Hannah and Philip have taken the leap into love! They got married in a beautiful park near English Indiana, on this rainy day! Complete with a little white chapel, and their closest friends Philip and Hannah became one.

It was so surreal photographing them dancing at their reception just like I had at the Frits wedding in 2017. I can recall the same look they gave each other that day, on their faces this weekend. It didn't matter to them so much, what all things were going on, as it mattered to them that they were getting married! It was something to be expected, those two ending up together, but something to be celebrated!

The preacher, Philip's grandfather, gave the most heart felt ceromony.

You could see what marriage had done for him, and what he knew it was going to do for them.

True Love isn't something we just come across. It isn't something that we take for granted. It doesn't just keep going without any work. True love is something we long for, and work hard for. It's something we look at every morning and we appreciate. Love like this is there when your angry with each other. It's there if you are disappointed, and still there when you feel like throwing in the towel. Love is there through the good- and the bad.

But most importantly love is full of surprises.

Hannah & Philip,

Thank you so much for choosing us to be apart of your special day! Arie and I are so happy, that the two of you have found- and married- your best friend. We thank you for the wonderful day, rain or shine, that you two pulled off without a hitch! For being such troopers, and letting me tag along with you to the reception! Haha!

We pray for love and happiness for the two of you for many years to come.

We hope to see you again, and maybe put that gown on again during a sunny day! ;)

Love to you both,

Arie & Kate